Long Term Fuel Storage // Octane
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Long term fuel storage

Date: 03/07/2020

Whilst fuel prices have been dropping during this pandemic, fleets and fuel using entities began rethinking their strategies on how they can store and save fuel before prices begin to incline again.  

By buying larger amounts of fuel whilst prices are low, raises the concern of long-term fuel storage as you would still need the fuel to perform well when it is used. 

When storing large amounts of fuel, you must ensure its compliance with regulations as well as preventing microbial activity effects in the fuel. 

How long can you store diesel fuel for? 

The answer to this question often varies as it is dependent on the storage conditions. 

The key is keeping the fuel cool and dry. Diesel fuel can often be stored for anywhere between 6 and 12 months. In order to extend the fuel life past 12 months even with cool, dry conditions it will need to be treated with fuel stabilizers and biocides.  

If the fuel is not stored in temperatures under 21 Degrees Celsius consistently then you would be looking at a maximum lifespan of 12 months for the fuel. 

Storage tanks  

Properly maintained storage tanks obtain the benefit of preventing water contamination the fuel being stored. However, the structural integrity of tanks such as above-ground tanks is that they may have top openings which can allow rain water to contaminate the fuel if they deteriorate over time. 

Therefore, you will need to regularly assess your storage tanks structural integrity and look out for signs of deterioration. If you come across any then please feel free to contact Octane to see if we can find a solution for you. 

Controlling stored Diesel stability  

If all of the above measures are taken care of then the use of Biocides and Diesel fuel stability treatments will prevent most fuel storage problems.  

The Biocides will help as when the sulfur is removed from ULSD the fuel is prone to microbial activity and this will then be killed by the biocides.  


As a result of this, the stored fuel will be at its top performance.