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Interceptor Services

Interceptor Installation

When it comes to interceptor installation, we've got extensive experience and expertise. In our years of operation, we've installed over 40 interceptors, and we're currently maintaining close to 200 separators for large-scale petrol retailers and smaller retailers alike.

All installations are carried out in accordance with the rigorous regulations set out by the Environment Agency.

Interceptor Cleaning and Inspection

It's crucial to have your interceptors cleaned and inspected regularly which ensures they're operating to maximum efficiency. We'll empty your interceptors of any fuel or oil-contaminated water and silt and also check all mechanical parts thoroughly, replacing wherever required.

Jet cleaning units, draining and gullies, sampling and analysing waste and maintaining coalescent filters.

Professional Service

Our team of engineers are highly trained and all carry SPA safety passports. They've also received first aid and safety awareness training, providing you with the peace of mind you need for your employees and customers.

We'll keep reports of your inspections and services with detailed break-downs of specific events such as; repairs, accidents and incidents, all as part of the service. All relevant paperwork will also be provided.