The Importance Of Regular Fuel Tank Inspection // Octane Holding Group Ltd
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The Importance of Regular Fuel Tank Inspection

Date: 18/01/2022

The Importance of Regular Fuel Tank Inspection

Here at Octane, we rigorously check our fuel tanks to ensure that they are of the highest standards and quality and safety. However, it is vitally important to keep the maintenance of your tanks in mind after purchase and installation. As a specialist manufacturer of bunded fuel tanks, we know that the price of neglecting your equipment can be very high indeed.

As a basic measure, you should ensure that you undertake a fuel tank inspection at least once a year, performed by a qualified professional. If any concerns or issues come to light, be certain to address them as quickly as possible, as they can only get worse if left unattended, this is a legal requirement.

Check your Fuel Levels

Make sure that you know how much is in your fuel tank by checking the levels regularly and keep records. A sudden drop could indicate a potential leak. If you suspect that you have a leak in your fuel tank, you should consult a professional immediately.

Examine the Area Surrounding your Fuel Tank

Carry out your own fuel tank inspections on a regular basis, being sure to make a note of all pipe work and equipment, primary and secondary containment, as well as the surrounding area.

The tank, piping and bund should not display signs of:

You should also make sure that all access points, vents and sight gauges are closed off or shielded from water, dirt and insects. Make sure that the bund is free of water, oil or debris such as rubbish or plant matter. Check the surroundings for obvious changes in the supporting structure and base, as well as checking for oil stains on the supports or ground at the base of the tank. If you find oil around the tank after a delivery, you should contact your supplier as soon as possible.

Learn how to use the Contents Gauge on your Fuel Tank

Ask an experienced person to teach you how to use the contents gauge and make regular checks on it.

While Octane produce tanks with improved security and decreased risk of spillage, no tank is impervious to neglect. Inspecting your tank regularly is the first step to ensuring that there are no unexpected problems. If you do find a problem at any point, you should contact a professional immediately.

Basic maintenance of your fuel tank is not difficult or time consuming. Replacing your tank if the worst should happen is. It is also expensive.

For further information on inspecting your fuel tank, contact us today.
